Monday, December 8, 2008

How greedy can teachers get?

OK, so once again I am reading about how the teachers union are unhappy with their wage and are threatening to go on first reaction is to wonder why we condemn athletes etc for being greedy and striking yet we just blindly throw money at teachers whenever they cry. My second is to ask why do teachers need a union anyways? I mean what other profession do you only have to work 66.7% of the year and earn a full years salary? What other job affords you the time off to be with your family or to develop your skills by taking courses. Further, upon completing these courses, the board has to give you a raise, no question asked. If I were to spend my money on a course in enhance my skills, my boss would thank me profusely, but it would be a cold day in hell before he simply handed me a raise. in fact, he'd probably laugh if I even suggested it. 

Now we are in the throws of a huge economic crisis, yet almost like clockwork, the teachers union is at it again. At this point I just want to say how sad I am that even teachers I respect on other levels have bought into this ridiculous propaganda that tells they they are worth more than others. Are you serious? 

So if you are so deserving of this massive wage increase, please, tell me, where is the money coming from? 

How do you justify “deserving” more while everyone around you either loses jobs or takes significant paycuts? You can hardly be surprised that people are pissed off at the greed being demonstrated 
Lose the hard work rhetoric. It is insulting and makes you all look like whiners; by using this as leverage you are insinuating that nobody else works hard. 

Stop with the teachers get no respect junk- I respect you as much as I respect Doctors, Garbage men, retail workers..anybody who takes pride in their work because what you do is of no more value than what anybody else does and to claim it is is completely self righteous and arrogant. EVERYBODY’s role is equally as important because without them society would not function properly…get off your moral high horse. 

There are giant head sized holes in walls of classrooms, yet you do not care to fix that stuff…yes, you getting a HUGE raise prevents the board from spending money where it is ACTUALLY needed. 

NEVER EVER complain about parent’s roles in education anymore. I was always of the mindset that parents are responsible for the downfall of the education system, however I now realize that it is the greed of the teachers, demanding more while giving less that cause these impoverished parents taxes to go up (Yes teachers, these are the people who are directly affected by your greed..the bureaucrats and upper class people have LAWYERS they pay to get them out of paying taxes, while the lower end have no loopholes and cannot afford to pay lawyers to find them.) As a result they get hit harder because it is this money that the government counts on to cover this wage increase. 

Finally, how embarrassing is this- city workers, and government bureaucrats agreed to a wage freeze because the ECONOMY IS IN BAD guys refuse to do that, instead are holding the government ransom, threatening yet another strike…and the only people who suffer are the parents who will be forced to pay out more in taxes to help you enjoy your cushy lifestyle and also for Daycare because they will have to work while you are on strike, so someone has to watch the kids. Merry Christmas you greedy buggers!!!!!!

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